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Dental Bridges Morrisville

dental bridge in Morrisville, NC

Dental Bridges Morrisville

What is a Dental Bridge?

If you’re looking for dental bridges in Morrisville, the professionals at Alliance Dentistry can help you restore your smile.

While you may have heard of a dental bridge before, it’s understandable if you don’t know all the ins and outs of the process. Fortunately, we’ve provided a bit of important information so you can read on to learn a little more about dental bridges, and see how a specialist at Alliance Dentistry can help.

About Dental Bridges

At its most basic, a dental bridge is a way to fill in the gaps if you have a missing tooth (or teeth). However, depending on the type of bridge you choose, the bridge doesn’t just fill in the exact space in your smile. Some bridges actually look like more than one tooth, because the bridge needs to be permanently affixed to the teeth next to the gap (which requires a bit of preparation before the bridge is permanently installed).

Unlike dentures, a dental bridge is a permanent solution to missing teeth. You and your Morrisville dental bridge specialist will work together to determine which type of bridge is best for you, and then the bridge will be custom made and attached permanently.

Different Types of Dental Bridges

If you’re shopping for dental bridges, it can seem overwhelming at first. Fortunately, there’s just a few major types of dental bridges, and your dentist can walk you through the minute details. Here are the more common types of dental bridges you may choose from:

  • Traditional: This is the most common type of dental bridge, and it works best when you have a missing tooth (or teeth) surrounded by healthy teeth on both sides. Those healthy teeth serve as anchor points for the bridge, and will have to be prepared accordingly.
  • Cantilever: Cantilever bridges are very similar to traditional dental bridges, but instead of being anchored on either side, they’re anchored on just one side. Cantilever bridges work best when there’s only one healthy tooth next to the gap, instead of one on either side.
  • Maryland: When your dentist installs a traditional dental bridge, he or she will have to file down the healthy teeth on either side of the gap so they can serve as anchor points for the bridge. However, with a Maryland bridge, your dentist won’t have to file down your healthy teeth at all. Instead, there is a hidden framework behind your teeth that anchors and supports your false tooth. The framework is attached to the backs of your adjacent healthy teeth.
  • Implants: Unlike other types of dental bridges, implants require a bit more surgical attention. Instead of relying on surrounding teeth for support, implants require surgical implants for each missing tooth. Then, the bridge is attached to the waiting implants.

Do You Have a Missing Tooth or Teeth?

Missing teeth can be a source of insecurity for many people, and they can also lead to problems with your oral health. Instead of hiding your smile, you can turn to the professionals at Alliance Dentistry for a dental bridge.

At Alliance Dentistry, we’re committed to restoring your smile. Get in touch with us today to see how a Morrisville dental bridge specialist can help you.

If you are in need of a dental bridge in Morrisville, North Carolina, please call Alliance Dentistry. These kinds of dental procedures are an effective way to restore a damaged, broken, infected, or missing tooth. A dental crown or bridge looks and feels natural, making it an ideal treatment for certain issues of the mouth

To explore our dental services, or to ask a dentist about getting a dental crown or bridge in Morrisville, please give Alliance Dentistry a call as soon as possible. We are currently accepting a limited number of new patients.

Understanding a Dental Crown

A dental crown is a type of cap that is fitted to a remaining tooth in the mouth. Usually, a crown will be utilized to repair a tooth that has been damaged. In some cases, they may be used for cosmetic reasons. However, nowadays, veneers are more likely to be recommended or a crown. There are three different metals that are used to make a dental crown. Because each metal costs a different price, you will also have the ability to choose a crown based upon your budget. The three options for a crowns’ material are:

  • Completely ceramic
  • Ceramic on metal
  • Completely metal

More than likely, your Morrisville dentist will suggest the material based upon the location of the damaged tooth. For example, a ceramic dental crown will be suited to frontal teeth; whereas, a metal tooth could be used in the back of the mouth. Ceramic on metal dental crowns are the most popular because they are very durable, look natural, and are relatively affordable.

Understanding a Dental Crown InfographicIf you’re in need of a dental crown, it is advisable that you do not delay in asking a dentist to help you with this procedure. The longer you wait to have a dental crown, the more wear and tear you put onto the already damaged tooth. This can result in more damage or even complete loss.

Understanding a Dental Bridge

Dental bridges in Morrisville are another type of dental treatment that will replace a missing tooth. There are no dentures involved and no surgery. Rather, you will have two dental crowns that hold the tooth in place. A bridge looks natural, matches the nearby teeth, is affordable, and durable.

Before You Can Get Your Dental Bridge or Crown

Depending on your dentist, it is possible that you will be advised to have a bleaching procedure done before you get the dental bridge or crown. If you don’t want your teeth whitened, then you can skip this part of the treatment. The reason to have it done first is because dental crowns and bridges cannot be whitened. Therefore, if you get it done after, all of your natural teeth will be whiter than the crown and bridge.

Following the Treatment

Many patients feel slight tooth sensitivity or soreness. It might be a good idea to take one or two days off of work so you can rest, relax, and recover. Your dentist will explain the procedure to you in full so you know exactly what to expect. Over-the-counter painkillers, such as ibuprofen, may be recommended. If you are pregnant, have certain medical conditions, are taking certain medications like blood thinners, please let the dentist know ahead of time.

Once your new dental bridge or crown has been fitted, you can resume eating normal foods without any discomfort. You might also notice improved functioning in your mouth, a reduction in a speech impediment (caused by a missing tooth), and of course an increase in confidence.

What are common injuries you can get when riding a motorcycle?

Riding a motorcycle can be dangerous regardless of the amount of safety gear you have on. When this is the case and you are involved in an accident, you can expect certain dental injuries to crop up. 

  • Chipped Teeth. While this is one of the mildest dental injuries you can sustain from an accident, it can be painful and it can cost quite a bit when it comes to the dental repair. You may need porcelain veneers, crown, or a dental bridge as part of the treatment plan.
  • Dislodged Teeth. When you have a dislodged tooth, it is not fully out of the socket. Instead, it is pushed out or twisted to the side and can cause serious pain.
  • Avulsed Teeth. If you suffer from an avulsed tooth, the tooth has popped completely out of the socket. In some cases, you may be able to carefully pick up the tooth by the head (if you can find it), clean it under a gentle stream of water, and bring it into your dentist to see if they can place it back in.
  • Root Fracture.  If one of your teeth has a root fracture, it may need to be repositioned and splinted so that it can be stabilized. While it is treatable, it can be very painful.
  • Broken Jawbone. Depending on how you hit the ground during the accident, you may have a broken jawbone. When this is the case, you may need to undergo surgery for your treatment or you may need doctors to wire your jaw shut until the bones heal.

Getting into an accident on a motorcycle that is the result of someone else’s negligence can be scary, but you should not avoid seeking treatment for your dental injuries. If you have dental injuries after a motorcycle accident, call the dentists at Alliance Dentistry to see if dental bridges Morrisville patients recommend can help repair the damage the accident has caused. 

5 Signs That You Need a Dental Bridge

A dental bridge that gets loose may have happened for many reasons, such as abutment tooth damage, periodontal issues, and excessive wear and tear. The faster you detect a loose or damaged bridge, the better your chances are at saving the bridge (it could become lost or swallowed). Here are the top five signs that you should probably visit a dental professional about fixing your dental bridge:

#1 – You have pain when chewing (or it’s too painful to eat at all).

Even if you can’t feel the dental bridge moving around in your mouth, that doesn’t mean it isn’t loose or broken. A sign that a dental bridge needs to be attended to is if you have pain when chewing. Not being able to chew in the area where the dental bridge sits is your body’s indication that something is not right. We suggest calling us to solve the problem so you can eat as normally and comfortably as possible.

#2 – You have increased sensitivity and gum pain.

Side effects of a bridge in need of repair is if you have gum and tooth pain or sensitivity. This is particularly true if the bridge becoming loose or broken was caused by periodontal disease or other issues with abutment teeth. A wiggly tooth may constantly touch the gums and teeth nearby, adding to pain and sensitivity.

#3 – You can move the bridge with your tongue or finger.

The main sign that your dental bridge needs fixing is if you can literally move it with your finger or tongue. A bridge must be secured into the mouth securely, the same as if it were a natural tooth. To prevent the bridge from falling out or getting looser, consider calling our dental office now to make an appointment. A loose bridge cannot be fixed on its own, and the only way to have it properly addressed is by visiting a reputable dental office.

#4 – You have gum erosion, deep pockets, or periodontal disease.

A common reason for a loose dental bridge is periodontal concerns. If you have gingivitis or periodontitis, then your bridge is likely to become at least slightly dislodged at some point. Furthermore, gum erosion and deep gum pockets can affect how your dental bridge rests in the mouth. We know that the health of your teeth and how they feel can affect your mood and mental health, too. We encourage you to call us if you are in need of dental care for a damaged bridge or something else.

#5 – You feel awkward when speaking or just going about your day.

A bridge that isn’t sitting right in your mouth can feel really awkward. You may have trouble speaking or eating, and may have a general feeling of unease. If your dental bridge has become dislodged or wiggly from its normal position, then a dentist is needed to repair it. Please call us so we can help you feel more comfortable!

To schedule an appointment with a dentist for dental bridges Morrisville patients recommend, call Alliance Dentistry.

Morrisville Dental Bridges FAQs

Dental bridges are an effective solution for replacing missing teeth and restoring your smile. Below, we answer common questions about the benefits of choosing dental bridges and how they can improve your oral health.

What Are Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges are a common solution for replacing missing teeth. They consist of one or more artificial teeth, called pontics, that are anchored in place by crowns placed on the adjacent healthy teeth, known as abutments. The bridge “bridges” the gap left by a missing tooth, restoring both function and appearance. Bridges are custom-made to match the color and shape of your natural teeth, providing a seamless, natural look. This helps you chew and speak more easily while also preventing surrounding teeth from shifting out of place.

How Can Dental Bridges Improve My Oral Health?

Missing teeth can lead to a range of oral health issues, including difficulty chewing, changes in speech, and a shifting of the remaining teeth. By filling the gap with a dental bridge, you help maintain the natural alignment of your teeth and support your bite. This prevents additional wear and tear on your remaining teeth and helps avoid jaw problems down the road. In the long term, a dental bridge can help protect the overall structure and health of your mouth, making it an excellent option for tooth replacement.

Are Dental Bridges Comfortable To Wear?

Yes, dental bridges are designed to be comfortable and functional. Once the bridge is securely placed, most people find it easy to adjust to the new addition. After a short period of getting used to the bridge, it should feel like your natural teeth when eating or speaking. With proper care and regular dental visits, dental bridges can remain comfortable for many years. If there’s ever any discomfort, we can make adjustments to improve the fit.

How Long Do Dental Bridges Last?

Dental bridges are a durable option for tooth replacement, and with proper care, they can last 10 to 15 years or even longer. To extend the lifespan of your bridge, it’s important to maintain good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing daily and attending regular dental check-ups. During these visits, we’ll examine the bridge to ensure it’s still functioning properly and make any necessary adjustments. Good care and maintenance are key to ensuring your dental bridge remains in great shape for many years.

What Are The Benefits Of Choosing Dental Bridges Over Other Options?

Dental bridges offer several benefits, including being a non-invasive, affordable solution for replacing missing teeth. Unlike dental implants, which require surgery, bridges are a less invasive procedure and can usually be completed in just a few visits. Additionally, dental bridges provide immediate results, restoring both the function and appearance of your smile. They’re also a good choice for patients who may not be candidates for implants due to bone loss or other health concerns.

Schedule Your Dental Bridge Consultation

At Alliance Dentistry, we believe in providing personalized solutions for every patient. If you’re in Morrisville, North Carolina, and considering dental bridges, we invite you to schedule an appointment with us. Let’s work together to restore your smile and improve your oral health. Contact us today to book your appointment!