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5 Reasons You Need to See Your Family Dentist Annually

April 24, 2024 Uncategorized

Going to the dentist might seem like an inconvenience, but it’s actually an important part of your healthcare. Of course, there’s the obvious reason to get your teeth cleaned. Your biannual appointment keeps your teeth white and healthy. But there’s more to your dental visit than you might realize. Here are five other reasons that you need to keep your dentist appointment.

  1. Gum Disease Prevention and Treatment
    When plaque builds up on your teeth, your gums can become infected. Gum disease is a serious issue for many adults, but it’s easily preventable. Brushing and flossing keep most of the plaque from forming on your teeth. What you miss can be removed through your dental cleaning. Going too long between cleanings puts your gums and teeth at risk.
  2. Oral Cancer Screenings
    Your Apex family dentist is trained to recognize the early symptoms of oral cancer. Even adults who don’t smoke can get oral cancer. When it’s caught early, it’s more treatable. Your dentist knows what to look for and has a painless, non-invasive tool that examines your mouth for dead tissue.
  3. Checking the Effects of Your Bad Habits
    Children’s bad habits, such as thumb and pacifier sucking, affect their teeth. Adults often forget that some of their habits have negative effects on their teeth. Smoking causes your teeth to turn yellow. Chewing ice and biting your nails are bad for your teeth. Clenching your jaw isn’t healthy. At your regular checkup, your family dentist Apex residents trust can look for signs that you might be damaging your teeth and help you find solutions.
  4. Find Issues Under the Surface
    Dental x-rays look for damage that the naked eye can’t see. Many times, the roots of the teeth show signs of decay before any symptoms are felt. The quicker you find oral damage, the more effectively it can be treated to avoid loss of teeth. Your annual exam and cleaning catch issues through x-rays.
  5. Dental Exams Worth Your Time
    Your family dentist in Apex, North Carolina isn’t just concerned with cleaning your teeth and taking x-rays. There’s a lot more that goes on at your annual visit than you might ever realize. One other thought about your regular checkups is that your dentist may see signs of other diseases that are connected to the health of your mouth. Your oral health is a reflection of your overall well-being. Staying on top of your dental health is important not just for having sparkly, white teeth, but for your confidence for the rest of your life.