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Dentists in Cary NC: Dental Care for Your Children

December 12, 2014 Uncategorized

The best dentists in Cary NC know that the brightest smiles come from a healthy childhood. We’re not simply talking about happy childhood memories, but also about the formation of new teeth and of good oral hygiene habits. When searching for dentists in Cary NC, be sure to seek out practitioners who truly understand how to care for your children’s smiles and instill them with healthy practices.

Going to the dentist can be a frightening experience for children (and sometimes adults) but with the right family dentist in Cary NC, you can be sure each patient will have a pleasant experience, be they age 2 or 92. With young children, oral health care is primarily preventative. Part of this preventative process is consulting with your dentist in Cary NC to ensure you are applying the proper cleaning techniques and passing them on. This, however, is not enough and you should also schedule visits with your dentist in Cary NC to protect your child’s smile. As family dentists in Cary NC, we understand that protecting a child’s health is among a parent’s top priorities.

Oral Care in Infancy

Children’s dental health needs change over time and the American Dental Association recommends that children have their first dental visit either at age one or when the first tooth appears. Before the first tooth, the ADA recommends that parents gently clean the child’s gums with a bit of water after every feeding, since healthy gums are the foundations of healthy teeth. When the first tooth does appear, continue to brush your child’s tooth with water and visit a dentist in Cary, NC. As teeth continue to break through your infant’s gums, your child may also be in pain from teething. To soothe this pain, you may give your infant a clean washcloth, pacifier or spoon to chew, or rub your infant’s gums with a clean finger.

As children reach age 2, supervise them as they brush their teeth with a pea-sized amount of toothpaste. Ensure that your child covers the whole mouth and does not swallow the toothpaste. Swallowing fluoride can lead to permanent tooth stains.


As children approach adolescence, their oral hygiene needs will largely mirror their parents’. Like their parents, they should have regular check ups, clinical exams and cleanings, brush their teeth twice a day, and floss at least once a day.

Diet at all ages

Diet is also an important component in your children’s oral health, be they toddlers or teens. Do not let your infant fall asleep with a bottle that contains milk or sugary fluids. If your child must go to sleep with a bottle, fill the bottle with water. Advise older children to drink plenty of water as well and avoid foods and snacks that are high in sugar.

Above all you can maintain your children’s oral health by seeing that they visit a dentist in Cary NC– or wherever they reside– on a regular basis. To learn more about caring for your childrens’ smile, book an appointment or contact us at (919) 371-0432.