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5 Reasons to Schedule Regular Dental Appointments with the Best Cary Dentist

August 20, 2014 Uncategorized

The-Truth-About-Keeping-a-Healthy-Smile1 Regularly scheduling appointments with the best dentist in Cary, NC is beneficial for a number of reasons. Although having a clean and healthy mouth is truly reason enough, regular check-ups with your dentist can have a positive impact on your mental and physical health.

If you’re in the process of finding the best Cary dentist to build a relationship with, there are five important factors that you need to consider in your research.

Staying Happy

While maintaining a positive outlook on life is based on the daily decisions you make, your oral health can have quite an effect on your self-esteem and attitude. Smiling not only displays your happiness to others, but studies have shown that smiling makes you happier and can even reduce stress. A smiling face can not only benefit your relationships with other people but it can help you professionally and mentally; and the best Cary dentists, the Drs. Raczka, are dedicated to helping you stay happy.

A Healthy Heart

Maintaining a healthy mouth can also give your heart a positive break. Although the evidence is inconclusive, heart disease and oral issues, such as periodontitis, both contribute to the inflammation of the body. Other oral health issues including missing or broken teeth, cavities and gingivitis have been known to predict heart disease just as much as high cholesterol levels can. Studies have also suggested that bacteria and plaque, caused by poor oral hygiene, can make their way into the bloodstream causing plaque build-up in the arteries. Visit the best Cary dentists here at Alliance Dentistry, to round out your holistic health.

A Healthy Smile

Even if you brush and floss regularly, sometimes those hard-to-reach spots can do more damage than they appear to. Regular appointments to the best cary dentist can ensure your oral hygiene is at its best. If there have been any changes to your teeth or oral health since your last appointment, the team of dental professionals can offer you tips on how you can clean your teeth better at home. Our Cary dentist not only gives you advice on what changes need to be made in your daily oral routine but sometimes you even get sent home with a bag of goodies to try to improve your oral health.

Keep Doing What You Love

Though you only think about your teeth in the morning and evening during a brushing, it’s important to remember them in all of your daily activities. Regularly visiting the best Cary dentist can help you continue to engage in activities like playing sports. For example, a dentist can help you choose an effective and properly fitting mouth-guard. Not only can an accident to your mouth damage your teeth but it can also negatively affect your breathing.

A Positive Experience

While many people, especially children, associate visiting the dentist with a feeling of fear, this isn’t usually the case with the best Cary dentists! It’s important to find a dentist and team of dental assistants who you feel comfortable seeing on a regular basis. Since scheduling appointments with a dental team is a necessity for your oral and mental health, be sure to take your time and do your research. Your dentist should get to know you and make you feel relaxed during each visit. If you’re having problems with your dentist not listening or an uneasy feeling arises when it’s that time of the year, finding another dentist – like the best dentist in Cary – may be your best option.

Visit to learn more about the best Cary dentists, who work hard with their dental team to meet all of the standards listed above.

It doesn’t matter if it’s been years since your last dental visit or you’ve got a couple of cavities, your smile is the only thing that matters to Dr. Timothy Raczka and Dr. Maureen Raczka.