Fluoride is important for your child’s oral health. If you want your little one to have healthy, strong teeth, fluoride is crucial. Still, most parents aren’t sure how much fluoride is safe. How much does your child need and how do you know he or she is getting enough? Here’s what a family dentist in Cary North Carolina can tell you about fluoride:
What Fluoride Is
Fluorine is an element in the Earth’s crust; this is what fluoride comes from. Often, people find it in natural sources of water. In some communities, to help with oral health, fluoride is added to the drinking water. According to the ADA, fluoride being added to the drinking water reduces dental decay by about 25 percent. If you’re worried about safety, it’s important to recognize that fluoride is completely safe for consumption.
How Fluoride Works
The fluoride that your child ingests strengthens the enamel in the teeth. This makes it difficult for the teeth to decay and can help prevent cavities. Fluoride can help strengthen any weak spots on the child’s teeth and may even reverse tooth decay in babies.
How Much Fluoride Your Child Should Get
If your child is under six months, then you do not need to give him or her fluoride tablets or vitamins. If you live in an area where fluoride isn’t added to the water, then you might want to consider a fluoride supplement from your Cary family dentist in NC. In addition, you can enhance your child’s fluoride intake through fluoride toothpaste. It’s important that you make sure your child spits out the toothpaste when he or she finishes. In some places, there is too high of a fluoride level in the water and in those areas, you may want to consider bottled water to avoid any issues from too much fluoride.
How Much Fluoride Is Too Much
It is possible for your child to get too much fluoride. The first thing that you will notice if he or she ingested too much is teeth discoloration. This is enamel fluorosis. If this happens with your child, don’t be too alarmed. This isn’t usually a serious problem. We can examine your child’s teeth and address your concerns during a dental appointment.