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Invisalign Morrisville

Invisalign Morrisville Invisalign Morrisville

What Morrisville Residents Should Know About Invisalign

Before our patients in Morrisville, North Carolina get Invisalign clear aligners, they often have many misconceptions about this alternative to traditional braces. The dental team at Alliance Dentistry is very good about answering questions and addressing a patient’s concerns during their visits. We welcome new patients and encourage you to make an appointment for an exam and to learn if you are a good candidate for Invisalign clear aligners. In the meantime, here are several things you should know about Invisalign:

Results from Wearing Invisalign Can Be Apparent Sooner Than You Might Think

Most adults will wear Invisalign for about a year which is how long maximum results will usually take. However, most will see improvement within two or three months. You can enjoy even faster results if our dentist at Alliance Dentistry treats you with a special device that you can take home with you and use for about 20 minutes per day. AcceleDent is one such device and it uses micropulse technology to hasten the movement of your teeth into proper alignment. It can accelerate the full course of treatment to about half of what it usually takes. That means that within six months you may no longer need to wear Invisalign, and that’s great news for patients in Morrisville.

Invisalign May Initially Cause a Slight Lisp but It Doesn’t Last Long

Until the patient becomes accustomed to having Invisalign in their mouth, it may cause them to speak with a slight lisp. For others, an adjustment time isn’t necessary. After a day or so, or for some maybe a few weeks’ time, their lisp should resolve itself on its own. If it doesn’t, our dentist will be happy to check your Invisalign at our Morrisville office to make sure the aligners are fitting correctly.

Not Everyone Is a Good Candidate for Invisalign Offered in Morrisville

Invisalign is a popular choice for many who do not wish to use traditional braces because of how noticeable they are when wearing them. However, Invisalign clear aligners are not the solution for every oral healthcare condition. After your orthodontist examines your teeth, he will let you know if you are a good candidate for Invisalign. Some of the conditions that will need a different form of treatment include the correction of jaw size differences, small teeth vertical positioning, and lower canine teeth rotation.

Invisalign Should Be Worn at Least 22 Hours Every Day

Unless your dentist says otherwise, for Invisalign to be effective, just like other types of braces they must be worn every day for at least 22 of every 24 hours. It’s fine to take them out immediately prior to eating, drinking, or for cleaning them within the two hours of breaks. If the trays are removed from your mouth for longer than that, your teeth will tighten and it will take a number of hours simply to loosen your teeth again so that they can move toward their proper position.

If you would like to learn more about Invisalign Morrisville patients recommend and whether or not you are a suitable candidate, contact Alliance Dentistry to schedule an exam.